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Sacred ShaligramRare Shaligram

Sarvottam Golden Hiranyagarbha-RRS43
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Colour: Jet Black & Golden
Dimension : 3.5cm x 3.2cm x 2.5cm
Quantity :

Rs 16100/- $ 199 USD Product shown in the picture will be Sent.
Product Description
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One who dwells in the womb (garbha) of the world (Hiranya). The Upanishad declares: “All these are in-dwelt by the Lord.” The “Golden Universe” is an idiom in Sanskrit where gold means “objects of fulfilment and joy”. One who dwells in them all is Hiranyagarbhah. The term can also mean as He who, having become first the Creator, has come to be considered as the womb of all objects. Hiranyagarbhah is the term used in the Vedanta for the "creator". He is the expression of the creative urge of the lord Narayana. "The Golden-egg" means here that from which all the objective world had emerged out, indicating the creator." The term thereby suggests that the entire creative power of the creator is but the expression of the Self, Narayana. The Hiranyagarbha Shaligram Shila is considered very powerful Shila and is related to the creator of this Universe. The worshipper is blessed with the cosmic energies which change the life of the devotee as per his wishes. The devotee is linked to the super consciousness of the transcendental. The worshipper remains detached yet enjoys the materialistic world. The Shila is extremely smooth, perfectly shaped, lustrous, small sized, cold to touch, has flawless impressions.

Benefits of worshipping Hiranyagarbha Shaligram:
- To change the life of the devotee as per his wishes
- For Bhakti yoga and spirituality
- For connection with the transcendence
- For Moksha and Salvation

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The Shaligram will be sent after performing Mahapuja and energization.
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